Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm a Statistic

I started lifting some this week as part of my training but with some lighter weight and more reps. Well after Monday’s session of first time lifting, I was quite sore in my chest and shoulders on Tuesday, and waking up Wednesday morning I could barely move. That’s not a good sign when my second class of the morning is swimming and we’re focusing on doing the butterfly this week. Luckily after some laps of warming up freestyle, I loosened up and felt fine during class but was sore again afterward. I lifted again yesterday and today I feel totally fine so I’m glad that I have that first lift out of the way.
I started out this week wanting to bump up my distance on running some this week and things were going pretty well. Following my swim class on Wednesday, I did a longer run that lasted 80 minutes and felt good and strong but later after finishing I was feeling some pain in my left knee that night and the next day so I decided to take the rest of the week off from running in hopes that I’ll be ready to run again starting Monday. In my jogging PE class, the instructor, who's also the cross country team coach, gave us a statistic on injury prevention that said 80% of runners experience some sort of injury during the year that requires them to take time off from running because of an injury. I think that I may have become a statistic this week but on the bright side I don't see a couple of days off as a major setback for me. Friday I went out hiking/snowshoeing with Danny Oyler and figured I could count that as some cross training since I didn’t run anymore after Wednesday. It wasn’t intense by any means but it sure was fun.

The weather didn’t work out for me to get any outdoor bike rides in this week (I probably should have gone on one Friday since it snowed on Saturday). Instead, I was limited to exercise bike workouts only, but it's not like that’s a bad thing though when I get to watch Gonzaga play while I ride. This week was a repeat week in the training program that my brother and dad are following and I try to follow some of the same workouts as them each week to make sure that they’re not leaving me in the dust. I swam another 2500 continuous like them this week and it was a good, strong swim for me and I took my time down a few minutes to around the 46 minute mark.

Week 6: S: 5 mi; B: spinning; R: 12 mi

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